I have had total success with all my babies by putting their click-clacks into larger enclosures to start with - I am not a breeder and only have 8 snakes, so I don't need anything as elaborate as a snake rack. But I found an awesome design on this site (in the DIY section) for a heat rock, using a routed piece of MDF, with a 15w heat cord threaded through the channels and a piece of slate or a ceramic tile on top. Works fantastic and a 30cm x30cm tile placed in the middle of a 3ft enc will fit two click-clacks, so each has a warm end on the rock, and cool end off it. Nice steady heat, cheap to run and easy to keep clean. Also, when the little one is ready to move up in the world, he/she is already familiar with the smell of the enclosure they are moving into, so it's not such a big change.