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Active Member
Oct 11, 2008
Reaction score
Sydney, NSW
hi guys, ive been interested for months and months to purchasing a snake.
but ive only recently started to do something about it. im not that experienced with snakes, im an alright handler, i dont want a fully grown over 3M.
i still have to argue with my parents about it (dad hates snakes, grew up in penrith and has experience in being attack by red bellies and mum is a cat and wont touch anything that isnt a dog or cat)
ive been tossing up between a diamond, blond mac, or something around those sizes, Ive never been bitten and it wont be an experience im looking forward to, so can you guys give me some advise on what to get?????

thanks for any help
also, im not totally new, ive handled heaps of snakes, i know how to feed them and i know how to do basic stuff, i just have never had one of my own
ive been tossing up between a diamond, blond mac, or something around those sizes,

thanks for any help

Diamonds will grow pretty large compared to a blond mac . They are not in the same size range .
If you want a small snake go with any of the antaresia family , spotted , stimmis or childreni .

Most pythons will be good for a first snake , IMO one of the smaller antaresia is your best bet .
they are easy to handle , easy to house , and once feeding are generally very good feeders .
sorry i meant ranges in between those sizes

blonde mac----------------------------------------------------------------------------------diamond
1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
just to clear it up
I'd get a hatchy (hatchy season is fast approaching) if you get a hatchy/juvenile the bites are A LOT less painful...pinch yourself. There you go, it hurts less than that...though it does take a bit of nerve not to flinch as it's just the mentality that it's a snake and it wants to bite you. The bite doesn't hurt it's just the shock. If you don't want anything big, than I'd go with your anteresia (diamonds don't get too big but have special needs) but basically it's your choice, what you like, what you can house, afford to buy and afford to keep 5-10-15 years down the track.
sorry i meant ranges in between those sizes

blonde mac----------------------------------------------------------------------------------diamond
1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
just to clear it up

well that basically covers everything ....
sorry to sound so new but "special needs" what needs would a diamond have that a smaller one wouldnt??
sorry to sound so new but "special needs" what needs would a diamond have that a smaller one wouldnt??

Diamonds can develop "Diamond syndrome" if they don't get the right temps etc...they need cooler tempretures and UV lighting or an outdoor enclosure
diamonds are prettty sensitive to heat and their basking temps should be kept around 30ish,

also, some people believe diamonds need UVB lights,...while others believe they can do without,...
alright what about carpets,
Ive handled these and they seem well tempered and lively,
how big do the jungles grow?
dont mean to sound off putting but the majority of your answers could be found using the search function. should be heaps of threads that answer your Q's
obviously your dad was ******* off the redbelly or frightened it for it to show aggression.... :)
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