Python Under Substrate?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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G'day all.

My new stimmo has decided that hides are worthless and apparently feels more secure UNDER her paper towel substrate. Now that's fine with me if that's what she wants to do but I just had a question concerning the heat mat. She spends her time pretty much on top of the heat mat (not directly on it as it's outside the click clack, but directly above it.) Is there any cause for concern in terms of her burning herself? The hot side is typically about 28-31degrees.

Thanks for any advice.
my woma does the same thing..i think they just wanna b closer to the heat...but womas r burrowers so mayb womas just wanna feel completely hidden when they r inactive/sleepy...stimmys r generally ground dwellers arent they, so mayb they wanna feel hidden aswell

Thats my guess anyways

Mine does the same thing... I figure if it gets to hot it'll move futher to the cool end under the paper towel.
it's 28-31 at the hot end...on the actual heat mat it would be higher.

thanks for the replies
eh i have a heat cord (spotted 9 months) and he will sometimes be directly on the heat cord, other times he goes over to the other side... sometimes i pick him up and he feels like ice, but the temps are fine hes just being lazy and wont move over to the hot side.

aslong as she has somewhere to hide on the cool side too so she doesn't feel that she can only hide where its hot then she'll move over if she gets too hot i guess..

my spotted hide heaps under his paper towels when i first got home, so i put heaps in there lol play ground!!
Not unless it can get onto the actual heat mat itself, and even then probably not. Pretty much all my snakes hide in the newspaper alot of the time, not matter what kind of hide I give them.
With your mat outside the box, the surface temp on top of the paper (with your snake on it) or under it will be the same. If your surf temp is 29-31 degrees, your snakey will be perfectly fine. I use newspaper in all my enclosures, all my snakes at one point or another use it as a hide. Absolutely nothing to worry about mate.
Yes a lot of people I know don't use hides because paper becomes a hide and substrate.
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