Qu: about egg development

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Pythons Rule

Very Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
Central QLD
hey there do you guys know when a egg starts to develope?

because the eggs have been in the incubatore for 11 days now and one of my eggs is showing something riggling inside it, it looks like a worm shape. near where I believe the embrio is. it isn't far enough through incubation for it to be wiggling around would it?

could a vaine do it or are they normally stuck to the sides?
or could it be a worm?

please tell me what you think it is.

its not large ether it's quite small and when I shine a torch on it there's strong healthy vaines and something wiggling around.
this is mu first year at breeding so if you've bred before and have come across something like this please let me know what it is or what you think it might be.

yes at 11 days you can see it moving around and they do look like worms
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