This is my first season of breeding beardies and my first clutch is about to hatch so I'm very excited!
I just have a few questions regarding housing the babies.
I found this thread from a year ago and I noticed Miss B's set up:
She had large plastic tubs with a UV tube across them and a lamp with a 60w bulb in it, which is basically what I am planning to do. My questions are:
1) Does the 60w bulb need to be connected to a thermostat?
2) Would mercury vapour bulbs be suitable to use as I have seen that they provide a basking lamp and UVB light in one? I have very limited power points so if I can reduce the number of plugs I need, all the better!
3) Would a heat mat or a night bulb be better for heating them at night? I am in Melbourne and my house gets down to about 19-20 degrees over night at the moment so I would need additional heat.
4) Will the temps in the tub stay constant enough seeing as the tub has no lid?
Any help is appreciated as obviously I don't want the little buggers to die as soon as they have hatched!
I found this thread from a year ago and I noticed Miss B's set up:
She had large plastic tubs with a UV tube across them and a lamp with a 60w bulb in it, which is basically what I am planning to do. My questions are:
1) Does the 60w bulb need to be connected to a thermostat?
2) Would mercury vapour bulbs be suitable to use as I have seen that they provide a basking lamp and UVB light in one? I have very limited power points so if I can reduce the number of plugs I need, all the better!
3) Would a heat mat or a night bulb be better for heating them at night? I am in Melbourne and my house gets down to about 19-20 degrees over night at the moment so I would need additional heat.
4) Will the temps in the tub stay constant enough seeing as the tub has no lid?
Any help is appreciated as obviously I don't want the little buggers to die as soon as they have hatched!