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Sep 14, 2009
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hi guys, my girl scarlet has me worried. As she was slithering around my arm her throat/stomach made a gargleing sound simalar to a hungry stomach grumble. She has also yawned a few times today and kind of open and shuts her mouth slightly as if she is slowly chewing gum for a few seconds. She is a 5yr diamond her temps are good 30 ambient 40 in her basking spot and 25 in the cool side. Should this be enough to go to a vet consultation? Thanks
her breathing is fine no noises and no mucas or anything. Yes im booking her in tomorrow.. And it hurts my wallet lol
are the forks of her tongue stuck together?
sounds too warm to be able to develop an RI,....is the cage really humid?

had she had a drink or anything?
when was the last time she ate?

isnt 40 a bit warm for a basking spot?
i keep my diamond at 30-31ish,....
Yep basking should be 30-34

Cool end of around 22
nah she has no other problems exept is fully turning awaw from food last ate 3 weeks ago. That temp was taken today directly under the heat lamp and she usualy curls around the outside not under it so should be ok. And i dont usualy see her drinking as i give her piece and quiet through the day so not sure. Only humidity would be from her drinking bowl
oh and realy hot day today. Heat lamp got turned off round lunch as she was on the floor to cool down
Isn't 40 a bit too warm for a diamond and how do you get a cool end of 25 and ambient temp of 35?

Is she holding her head up more than usual or a puffy throat and is there any mucus or a weezing sound when she's breathing?

How big is the water bowl and what area of the enclosure is it in?

If there's no noise when breathing and no mucus maybe it's not an r.i ?Blackheads do let out a hiss here and there,could it be just that?
A 5yr old Diamond thats kept very hot..... could be the start of the downward spiral......
diamonds hiss too,...mines such a hissy missy,...but its not a gurgle,..
A 5yr old Diamond thats kept very hot..... could be the start of the downward spiral......

i agree.far to hot for a diamond .after the loss of 2 diamonds to DPS,one 6y old and one 7yr old,i now dont even give my current one a basking site and keep her as cool as i can in summer.
hope its something else.good luck.
didnt there used to be a sticky on DPS somewhere?

its seems to be missing,...
Diamonds could handle temperatures of 40c BUT only for a short period of time...IMO i would turn the temp down to around 30-32c,how often does the snake sit under the warm spot,i bet its not often,Monitor the hissing etc and if you feel its getting louder-worse than a vet visit should be done...MARK
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