the real macaw does them every now and then, but not sure how often, i went to one on the 21st and they have started to do pythons/turtles/dragons all in one course. and it was good. i went to a plain snake one a little while ago, and the new way is better, because you are exposed to all three, instead of just one.
A lot of places offer basic python husbandry courses, which are great for those getting into keeping pythons. The courses we offer are far more concentrated on the intricacies of breeding Australian pythons - unfortunately there is a few armchair experts out there who have never attended one of our courses but like to denounce them every chance they get. Ask anyone who has done our course with Matt Bonnett, and they will have nothing but positive feedback - even those who have been keeping and breeding for several years!
Lol Jonno do you do any courses in december around the 13th i will b coming up that way 4 a holiday and wouldnt it b nice to have a full knowledge of breeding pythons lol
Our next Python Breeding and Keeping Course is on February 13 next year, and the day after is our Gecko and Small Lizard Husbandry Course with Danny Brown (geckodan on APS). The courses are $225 per person, or $400 for both if you book them at the same time. We are able to assist with transport and accommodation for those coming from interstate.