For anyone that's interested in this kind of stuff, I stumbled across this website lasst night. The replicas look pretty good - not too sure about the prices though.
Unfortunately, most of it is in German, but there are usually a few short descriptions in English in the text alongside most of the pieces.
I quite like the GTPs and the Gaboon and Rhinoceros Vipers. They even have replicas of two different subspecies of Shingleback!
Browns: you might finally be able to have your own Piebald Ball Python!!
Unfortunately, most of it is in German, but there are usually a few short descriptions in English in the text alongside most of the pieces.
I quite like the GTPs and the Gaboon and Rhinoceros Vipers. They even have replicas of two different subspecies of Shingleback!
Browns: you might finally be able to have your own Piebald Ball Python!!