Hi, mate
Going by your posts, it seems as though you haven't really done much research on your chosen python. Only two days ago, you were deciding what species, and today have been asking the most basic of questions. It's good that you're finding out this info. But, it's also a concern that you're picking your new python up next week, are currently unlicensed, and it sounds as though you haven't fully thought through the details of your decision to buy a python.
Your new pet could live for 20 years. It needs heat for it's metabolic system - how will you be providing this? What sort of enclosure have you been considering? Do you know the right temperature gradient for your animal? An appropriate feeding regime? Your closest reptile vet if you should run into health problems or an emergency?
I don't mean to sound precious, but this is all info that you should know BEFORE you pick up your jungle, WITH a licence. All this info is readily available for the species you've chosen, and given that you're just applying for your licence, you should have 2 weeks roughly to read lots and lots before your licensed and can pick up your python.
Yes, you should buy your enclosure and set it up with heat before you bring the python home, so that you can check that the temperatures are appropriate.