I keep mine in plastic tubs, about 70-80mm of sand, a water bowl, some cover such as piece of bark, fluon around the top edge and maybe a lid. For heating i use a 4m 15watt cord run under the tubs with 2 runs close together. I have also kept them in a fishtank and used a 40watt party light about 40mm away from the sand for heating. You should also keep some of the sand damp to allow easy shedding.
I feed them mainly roaches and there are usually a couple left in the enclosure for them to hunt. I also feed them other insects, spiders, rodent and supplemented chopped meats. If you live somewhere where it is safe to use wild insects you can just setup a light above their enclosure and let all the moths in.
overall they are easy to keep, the only hard bit is finding some that get along, as they get bigger they can get quite violent.