Just to clarify a few points made earlier.
Snakes do NOT use their nostrils to smell. They have two shallow pits in the roof of the mouth called the vomeronasal organ or Jacobson’s organ. The rear end of these juts out into the nasal passage. However, it is only that part that opens into the roof of the oral cavity that has receptor cells for smelling. A snake’s tongue picks up air-borne particles and rubs them off onto the receptor cells of the Jacobson’s organ, which then works the same as our nose, to smell them. The tongue can also pick up chemical from the surface of objects, so it is effectively used for tasting as well.
Dysecdysis (problem shedding) is an indicator that something is wrong – either with the husbandry or the animal is not well. As has been indicate already most common cause is insufficient humidity, along with the other causes mentioned. It can also be brought on by stress, handling (especially if rough and excessive) coming up to a shed, poor nutrition and the presence of skin ailments and injuries not yet fully healed.