Not so new Member
bare with me as im new with this!
I picked up my darling (6month old Stimson sex unknown im guessing a she lol ), i had previously handled her before and had chosen her out (then took 10 days to get my license in order) came back and she was milky eyed - was told shedding was about to take place and just to leave her be and feed it a day or 2 after it has shed.
Fasttrack to today, now her eyes are clear as day and her tank got quite humid (i put more holes in her click clack as i assumed that the problem was ventaliation) - i have 1/3 of the tank on a tile (with a heat cord 25 w over 2 tiles).
I obviously had to move her to drill more holes , and she was quite active and inquizitive of what was going on - so being a little impatient i gave her a quick hold as its really the first time i've been able to since getting her. She reacted really well - calm no bitting etc..
The only problem is, there is no skin to be seen in the click clack? Is this normal? I was thinking (which is always dangerous) that because it was so humid (and she soaked in the water a bit) that might be the reason? Or the fact that she is only 6 months (captive bred if that makes a difference) that there might not be enough too notice? (im a beginer bare with me!)
I have a toilet roll in there, and just desert sand substrate (liek sand but not - ok for snakes) and a water bowl (terrocotta pot plant base). In case that might add to it.
I called up the guy who i bought her off and he wasn't answering (was after hours), so i offered her a pinkie - my thought process was she'll reject it if she was still shedding (but i knew for a fact she hadn't eaten in 10 days as i had been there when she was last offered a fed which she accepted.) Anyhow, within the hour it was eaten - so that would suggest she is over shedding? (and settling in ok?)
HELP! is this normal? I just dont want to have done the wrong thing.. Being the first shed i am going through and all..
And yes I am a little worried - can you imagine what im like with my kids
Thanks guys!
I picked up my darling (6month old Stimson sex unknown im guessing a she lol ), i had previously handled her before and had chosen her out (then took 10 days to get my license in order) came back and she was milky eyed - was told shedding was about to take place and just to leave her be and feed it a day or 2 after it has shed.
Fasttrack to today, now her eyes are clear as day and her tank got quite humid (i put more holes in her click clack as i assumed that the problem was ventaliation) - i have 1/3 of the tank on a tile (with a heat cord 25 w over 2 tiles).
I obviously had to move her to drill more holes , and she was quite active and inquizitive of what was going on - so being a little impatient i gave her a quick hold as its really the first time i've been able to since getting her. She reacted really well - calm no bitting etc..
The only problem is, there is no skin to be seen in the click clack? Is this normal? I was thinking (which is always dangerous) that because it was so humid (and she soaked in the water a bit) that might be the reason? Or the fact that she is only 6 months (captive bred if that makes a difference) that there might not be enough too notice? (im a beginer bare with me!)
I have a toilet roll in there, and just desert sand substrate (liek sand but not - ok for snakes) and a water bowl (terrocotta pot plant base). In case that might add to it.
I called up the guy who i bought her off and he wasn't answering (was after hours), so i offered her a pinkie - my thought process was she'll reject it if she was still shedding (but i knew for a fact she hadn't eaten in 10 days as i had been there when she was last offered a fed which she accepted.) Anyhow, within the hour it was eaten - so that would suggest she is over shedding? (and settling in ok?)
HELP! is this normal? I just dont want to have done the wrong thing.. Being the first shed i am going through and all..
And yes I am a little worried - can you imagine what im like with my kids
Thanks guys!