Shedding q - milky eyes gone but no skin?

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Not so new Member
Sep 19, 2008
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Western Australia
bare with me as im new with this!

I picked up my darling (6month old Stimson sex unknown im guessing a she lol ), i had previously handled her before and had chosen her out (then took 10 days to get my license in order) came back and she was milky eyed - was told shedding was about to take place and just to leave her be and feed it a day or 2 after it has shed.

Fasttrack to today, now her eyes are clear as day and her tank got quite humid (i put more holes in her click clack as i assumed that the problem was ventaliation) - i have 1/3 of the tank on a tile (with a heat cord 25 w over 2 tiles).

I obviously had to move her to drill more holes , and she was quite active and inquizitive of what was going on - so being a little impatient i gave her a quick hold as its really the first time i've been able to since getting her. She reacted really well - calm no bitting etc..

The only problem is, there is no skin to be seen in the click clack? Is this normal? I was thinking (which is always dangerous) that because it was so humid (and she soaked in the water a bit) that might be the reason? Or the fact that she is only 6 months (captive bred if that makes a difference) that there might not be enough too notice? (im a beginer bare with me!)

I have a toilet roll in there, and just desert sand substrate (liek sand but not - ok for snakes) and a water bowl (terrocotta pot plant base). In case that might add to it.

I called up the guy who i bought her off and he wasn't answering (was after hours), so i offered her a pinkie - my thought process was she'll reject it if she was still shedding (but i knew for a fact she hadn't eaten in 10 days as i had been there when she was last offered a fed which she accepted.) Anyhow, within the hour it was eaten - so that would suggest she is over shedding? (and settling in ok?)

HELP! is this normal? I just dont want to have done the wrong thing.. Being the first shed i am going through and all..

And yes I am a little worried - can you imagine what im like with my kids :p jk

Thanks guys!
May take up to 2 weeks after the eyes go clear for them to shed...just be patient...
I was the same when I got my first snake back in May cause I had no idea about how they shed.

There will definately be enough shed for you to notice because she will shed her entire skin and it should come off in one piece. Sometimes they can have a bad shed and be left with some skin on them, but that usually will come off if you give them a soak in a bath and give them something rough to rub on. When juvies shed, it's not unusual for them to do a poop inside their shed skin, so don't panic if that happens cause it's normal. I'm yet to see one of mine shed but I have seen a video on YouTube of a snake shedding and it was amazing to watch.

What have you named her?
Hey Jodz =)

Thats Normal, dont worry i had the same questions too when mine first shed. lol
Took her awhile, i didnt see ANY milky eyes but i could tell she was in shed mode.
Took her around 8 days,she also ate at the start of her shed. To help her , i misted her tub twice a day just with a spray bottle. Tried giving her warm baths but she HATED getting in the water lol
I was home when she shed and saw it from start to finish, was amazing! Make sure you take pics =)
As mensioned it can take up to 2 weeks for the snake to shed
Just make sure there is something rough in with the snake so when it sheds it can hook up on something to shed in one piece (a log with spiky ends or something like that). I have found that if they cant hook up on something it usually ends in a bad shed.
The milky eyes are the eye caps seperating from the new optical scales, they go milky because of the small amount of air between the 2 scales, after a couple of days the snakes new skin exudes an "oily liquid" which fills the void and makes the eyes appear clear again, this liquid acts as a release agent to help remove the old skin (somewhat similar to hair conditioner)
as mentioned can take a while after milky eyes

also dont worry about it being humid when they are shedding i usually move the water bowl to the warm end during this time the moisture helps the skin come off
Thanks guys much appreciated i dont fee like such an idiot now..

I have moved her bowl over to the warm end and its keeping it quite moist in there for now. She's not moving much but im puttting that down to the feed she had - though she is "exposing" herself and not using any of the hides i gave her which i found unusual.

I was hoping that the substrate i had used would be enough of a rough surface but i shall go hunting for something to put in there tomorrow (will need some cleaning agents for it) thanks for that i wouldn't have thought of it!

As of yet he/she doesn't have a name which is a little sad, but we will get there this time im not letting anyone else choose her/his name as i currently live with a black obnoxious cat named Loki, a siamese fighting fish called rex so i could only but assume it would be something equally as demoralising as those names for her -i'd like to give her a chance :p

Fingers crossed she'll shed soon and my worries will be over :)
as mentioned can take a while after milky eyes

also dont worry about it being humid when they are shedding i usually move the water bowl to the warm end during this time the moisture helps the skin come off

Good advice, I usually mist the enclosure more often during this stage.
i just give it very light misting once a day after they go milky. enough to keep it humid, but not to much
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