Shedding question

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2008
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hey guys, i just got my coastal carpet python about 2 months ago. the lady i bought her off said she had just finished shedding. just wondering when her next shed will be. i know their eyes are supose to go a milky color or somthing. her hasent but some of the scales are flaking and theres a clear glossy layer over them. does this mean she is coming up to a shed soon?
Flaking I believe has something to do with age, so I've been told. Shedding comes down to what your feeding them and how old they are. Hatchies-2year old animals will shed a lot more than a 6 year old python as the younger ones are growing a lot more.

What are you feeding your animal and how old is she?
Supposedly theyre meant to shed every approx 6-8 weeks, my stimmie sheds bout every 2-3 months, when theyre ready to shed their scales go a dull kinda cloudy transparent greyish colour n their eyes go milky, i find that their eyes clear up a bit about a day before they shed, process takes about a week to complete =) try not to handle her if shes in shed because their eyesight isnt fantastic as is and they have a bit more trouble seeing clearly when theyre sloughing (due to a layer of skin lifting off their eyeball) and it may freak her out.
well she's 2 and a half , and i'm feeding her a baby chicken or duck every week or so.
well she's 2 and a half , and i'm feeding her a baby chicken or duck every week or so.

wow I feed our 2 1/2 year old coastal 1 full rat and a day old Chick or 1 rat and 2 day old kwails and some weeks she gets 2 rats or 3 day old chicks i always mix it up abit

As she is still growing a good feed every week wont hurt her she will just grow a littel faster and shed more often

ok thanks, i already do mix up her food for her, is there anything important about shedding i should know ? i think someone mentioned not to handle her. is there anything else ?
Not really just let her do her thing, Only if she is having trouble then i guess you can spray her with water or run her a bath but that's only is she is having trouble and they usually do fine on theyer own

ok thanks for all the help :D , i'm sure she will be happy aswell for your help thanks lewy
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