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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2009
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Mount Gambier, S.A.
I'm annoyed at myself for not knowing this already, but how often do young carpet pythons shed?

I remember reading once every week - fortnight.

When I got mine I was told he'd probably shed soon, it's been two and a half weeks and he hasn't, his eyes aren't cloudy, he doesn't look dull. But he has refused the last two feeds.

My darwins have shed once since I got them, I'm assuming they will be coming up for another one soon. It's been around 4 weeks since the last one.

Well I think it's been around that long since mine shed, he still doesn't look like he's coming into shed yet, but he's refused two out of three feeds so I'm not sure.


Also, does anyone know if it's possible to check the air temps with an infrared thermometer? My thermometer broke, but I've got an IR one, not quite sure on how to use it properly though, like whether it checks surface or air temp, and the distance to check from.
Growth rate aaaand how stressed they are... new enclosure and environment could be making them shy... I have had two snakes go back to normal colour after been really milky...

Here are some tips:

Give the python a luke warm bath for about 15 minutes, then place him in his enclosure and put a cover over it (makes sure air can get in) he will soon shed!
Growth rate aaaand how stressed they are... new enclosure and environment could be making them shy... I have had two snakes go back to normal colour after been really milky...

Here are some tips:

Give the python a luke warm bath for about 15 minutes, then place him in his enclosure and put a cover over it (makes sure air can get in) he will soon shed!

Thanks, I'll do that if he hasn't shed by this time next week.
Size,eating habits,enclosure,stress,temp..all these things and more effect the shedding proccess..but in answer to your question.. mine shed abouuutttt every 4 weeks..;)
Infrared non contact type thermometers measure surface temp.

According to Doc Roc shedding any more often than 6 weeks could be putting undue stress on a snakes internal organs and could shorten it's lifespan.
my girl is nearly 4 months old and she has just shed.. she was my first snake and i didn't have a clue on when she was or not.. but she went really white and it took like a week and a bit for her to shed i have had her for 5 weeks but before then her last shed was on the 29th of december.. but when they are shedding the stay inside there hiding hole and don't want to be touched.. just look out for the colour change and they won't eat while going threw that stage..
hope that helps being the same age..
they dont shed every week or fortnight i reckon. the fastest ive gotten was 3-4 weeks and thats when theyre still young. my woma is 3 months old and shes just growing through her growth spurt i feed her every 6-7 days. she shed 3 weeks ago and is now just cleared again after being blue so not too long til shed.
but when they are shedding ............................ they won't eat while going threw that stage..

Sorry Kendra, but I thought I'd point out that it may not be very common for them to eat when about to shed, but it's not a rule... I have a 2 year old stimson that has eaten several times close to shed, as in within 24 hours...
sorry to goo off topic here but ASP doesnt allow me to post at the moment???
iv been offered 2 woma pythons for 600 and im in QLD tempted to accept the deal does anyone know if i need a CAT 2 license or am i find on my current license?

do u need anything besides a reptile license in QLD to obtain one?
probs been answered befor just curious on getting one
all my snakes will eat before a shed. i fed both my coastals late last week and this morning i wake up to see both of them have shed. ther getting big now lol
I've had him for 30 days now, he was meant to be ready to shed when I got him, he's eaten three times since I got him and refused two feeds.

Is there anything I can do to induce shedding? I don't want to bathe him because he's pretty flighty as it is, I don't want to really stress him out.

I don't know when his last shed was, but I'm guessing probably six-seven weeks ago.
give him bigger feeds then and more often if you want it to shed so much. or you can just wait it out and he will shed when he's ready.
I fed 1 2day that is due to shed, I find every 6 weeks to be the average although shorter times could be achieved through power feeding during growth stage..
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