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Active Member
Aug 1, 2008
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Hello all,

My spotted python, a few days ago, had really dull skin and milky eyes, so i guessed that it would shed soon. A few days has passed, and today when i came back from school and i checked out on him, i realised his eyes weren't as milky anymore and his skin isnt really that dull as it was a few days ago. I checked everywhere in it's clickclack to see if it already shed and found nothing. However, i know it hasn't shed by just looking at it, he doesnt have that clean look. So what's going on??:(

Thanks :)
this is normal. he will shed soon. they seem to do that dont know why. does anyone here know?
Don't bother spraying him with water no need for it unless he has a bad shed

Spraying him with water is just adding unnecessary stress, As shedding is stressful enough for them

Don't bother spraying him with water no need for it unless he has a bad shed

Spraying him with water is just adding unnecessary stress, As shedding is stressful enough for them

Yes my pthon freaks out when i spray him, the first time ever i sprayed him he striked at the water:shock:
Hello all,

My spotted python, a few days ago, had really dull skin and milky eyes, so i guessed that it would shed soon. A few days has passed, and today when i came back from school and i checked out on him, i realised his eyes weren't as milky anymore and his skin isnt really that dull as it was a few days ago. I checked everywhere in it's clickclack to see if it already shed and found nothing. However, i know it hasn't shed by just looking at it, he doesnt have that clean look. So what's going on??:(

Thanks :)

Completely normal. I believe it's from the chemical that gets released into the skin (what causes the snake to go milky) gets absorbed back into the body.

Yes, i spray him everyday, and sometimes put him in a container with a wet towel:)

Everyday? Just when he's shedding or not?
Spraying is mostly only needed for your tropical species eg. Jungles, GTP's ect. And then again, some Jungle keepers doen't spray them.
Antaresia, BHP's, Woma's and the like don't need to be sprayed. They will shed perfectly fine, but if they are a problem shedder, you should do a few further things..

Good luck, make sure you post pictures when he has shed!
its normal they can take up to 2 weeks to shed after the milky eyes, dont worry he will shed and you will be able to see it
no need to spray him, you can lightly spray the enclosure or move the water bowl to the hot end to add humidity but this is a must
If his shed comes off in pieces you know its to dry, ive never had this happen and I never spray them
Could you tell me what the name of that chemical is?

Dihydrogen monoxide, it builds up between the developing scales and old scales and clears when the new scales are just about fully developed :p
Dihydrogen monoxide, it builds up between the developing scales and old scales and clears when the new scales are just about fully developed :p

Does spraying with water help provide dihydrogen monoxide?
Does spraying with water help provide dihydrogen monoxide?

Yep, photochemical conversion. You need heat, UV light and water. There are special "Shed Right" bulbs due to hit the market next January
Thanks for that Chimera. So, are you saying that spraying them with water can be/is a good thing?

What I'm actually doing is being facetious :p:lol::lol:

It is this layer of water between the old scales and developing scales that prevents the old scales drying and sticking to the developing scales (i.e. dysecdysis). This is why the humidity is important during their shed. If you're enclosure is working well (i.e. proper humidity), you will not need to spray most species of snake during their shed cycle. If you have a confirmed problem shedder, spraying can help.
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