Hi, when i first got my bredli she was around 1year old, and she had a few feeds then decided she didnt want to eat anymore.. she refused rats and mice, scented rats.. and so on, so i got her onto small chicken necks, then mice, now rats.. after a 6month fast!.. now she is FOOD CRAZY!! I feed her an adult mouse followed by a hopper rat, and shes fine, she still wants more afterwards.. so i fed her a small/med rat the other day, and she managed it, it looked a little big but the lump was gone in a day.. and its only been a few days and she is hungry again! I dont think she is ever satisfied!? Ive been sorta feeding her a bit more often than once a week.. maybe more like once every 5 days.. im just happy she is eating now.. she has put on heaps of condition, not bony anymore, and added about 30cm since Nov.. im feeding her about 20% of her body weight.. but she still looks hungry afterwards.. my jungle is happy after his feed and will curl up somewhere warm.. but she just wants more! any help? is it bad to feed too often? i pretty much just feed her the day she poops..