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Not so new Member
Mar 7, 2009
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Hi guys, I have recently moved to Melton Vic and want to keep shinglebacks in an outdoor encosure/pit. What is the deal with the humidity levels, what is the best substrate. The pit is in a "u" shape each side measuring 1.2 x 2.0. The substrate is a rock sand mix, however under that is a clay stone mix. I am aware of the respiratory problems caused by humidity, any help much appreciated.
DO shinglebacks naturally occur where you live?
I live in Shepparton Victoria and have Shingles outdoors. I know someone in Sunbury who keeps Shingles outdoors as well as people in and around Ballarat. Just because they aren't found naturally around you doesn't mean that they can't be put outdoors. They should do fine. If you are really worried just monitor them closely.
Ok, well it depends what locality shinglebacks your after. We naturally have the pure blackish ones here, and in WA you get the slightly orangie ones, but they call them bobbtails.
I keep my 2 in very dry conditions but with a decent bowl of water at all times. I dont know how you would control the humitity conditions for a outdoor pit...??
cheers m.punga i will give it a go, can you advise what boxes you use and what you fill it with
Boxes? What do you mean? Hide boxes?
My pit has a brick hide box and a rock cave, both are filled with straw. In theory this should give them a cool retreat in summer and a warm retreat in winter.
They should be fine provided they have a dry retreat site. I would only put adults outside though.
We keep many forms of shinglebacks in out door pits in northern vic, our
pits are on a hard clay base with a sand/pinebark top which allows good drainage keeping the animals on a dry surface. All pits have at least 2 caves/hide boxes for the animals to retreat to.

If you have just relocated to Melton i wouldnt be putting shinglebacks out into pits now as the season is changing and they will not be able to adjust to the cold night/day we are starting to get.

The best time to introduce them to a pit enclosure would be in the late spring when the nights are starting to get a little warmer.
I am in shepparton and I was just asking Mark what do you use as a
Substrate for or shinglebacks because I live in shepparton too.


By the way do you work for pets on paride?
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