Should I be Worrined

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Not so new Member
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Kallangur, QLD
Kayak is my first snake. Childreni just under 2yo -66grams and just over 60cm

I fed Kayak on Christmas day, he then took his usual bath and then dissapearred into his cave, he hasnt come out since, well not that Ive seen.

Ive checked with a torch, and he has shifted position in the hide. His skin appears to be duller than normal, kind of greyish so I have started to mist the enclosure incase he is about to shed.

Now I know Ill get flamed as Im not 100% sure of when he shed last, I was told "about 2 or 3 weeks ago when I bought him, that was 2 weeks ago. I was also told that he would 'probably' shed about 3 weeks after he settled into his new home.

Your thoughts as to what I should be looking out for

If you need extra info ask and Ill see what I can provide

sounds like everything is going according to plan,..if you look at his eyes they should look bluish/milky, after a few days they will clear up for a few days then ur snake will shed.

beware of presents in the shed, lol,.. :)

dont mist the enclosure, dampness causes a million bad things from respitory infections to scale rot.

if he sheds badly provide a bigger water bowl closer to the heat source. (just wait and see this time)
all sounds normal. but you might want to recheck the weight. 66grms is alittle light. a 60cm childreni should be around 300grms
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Don't think you need to worry, try not to disturb him to much while coming up to shed.. I just tried to feed one of my stimmies half hour ago but he wasn't interested then I realized he was about to shed. I don't think you need to mist unless there is a problem with the shed i have never misted my stimmies and so far all sheds have been complete and trouble free though i have only been keeping snakes for a short time myself
When my MD starts the shedding process he will around doing nothing for a few days, and he will look really dull in colour. I’m very sure you have nothing to worry about. It will be really exciting for you when he does finally shed, I love it when Monty does, and they look so brand new and colourful afterwards.
the best thing to do while he is shedding is keep the humidity up if its just heat he will have trouble getting it off in one whole piece instead it will be in little pieces.
nothing to worry about
He is still in his hide
The temp is about 30 with a humidity of 65% - taken at 'ground' level just outside the hide
Just leave him..he will come out when he is ready to shed. Mine will hide for a week or two when she is in shed,
He will remain in his hide until he sheds. This will take anything up to a week from now, so be patient. Snakes spend a lot of time in their hide boxes, but especially when they've recently eaten, or towards a slough.
Hi Terry

Just a thought... I bought a little memo book at the newsagent and every time my little spotted feeds, sheds, I pick up poop, change the substrate and clean the enclosure completely, measure her, or mist the enclosure I write down the date and details. Makes it easy if for example she goes off her tucker and seems a bit disinterested in the world... I look in the book and see she's probably due for a shed, so I don't hassle her to feed, mist the enclosure and keep an eye out for a shed skin. We live busy lives and the days and weeks slip by so easily I feel a bit reassured by having that brief history on hand.
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