Sick Snake

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Active Member
Feb 6, 2003
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I took my snake to see the reptile man(insert joke here), and he told me that my snake was constipated, he then massaged the crap out of her(literally) and then force fed(he showed me how to do it) her a pinkie, which she kept down. He mentioned that a constipated snake is feeling full so will not eat. He recommended that I add some moss to the tank and then place her in a moss filled container for a few days to help her moisten up her skin, as her last scab came off and half of her looks like it is going to shed. At least I know I was not being paranoid. I will keep everyone posted as to her condition. Thanks for all the help and suggestions offered.
P.S. The reptile man is the Canadian equivalent to your Steve Erwin, only on not so grand a scale. Oh, and he does not wear thos silly tight shorts :p
Go the reptile man!! :D

Good job in taking the snake to see an expert. I bet its a relief for you to know what's going on with the snake.
Good news Moses,great stuff.

A Canadian equivalent to Steve "the tosser"Irwin?
And here I was thinking that we were the only ones that had such an embarrassing Ambassador for our country.My condolances Moses :p
what is the matter with steve irwin??? i think he is a great guy yeah he may wear tight shorts and talk stupid sometimes but geez give him a break..he knows a damn lot about reptiles as far as i am concerned i would like to see some of you go and wrestle with a croc even though you wouldn';t be silly enough!! he likes to do what he does as all of you do but give him a break i can't wait for his new movie to come out i am first to see it! fiona... and damn look how much money the guy has made for what he does,he is known all around the world!! :lol:
p.s.good luck with your snake hope all goes well...
You are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.
The fact that you think he's great is well,great.I still think he is a total wanker though.Best agree to disagree I guess.

Glad to hear that you know what's happening with your baby Moses, and best of luck for a speedy full recovery!

Fiona, just regarding the Croc Hunter movie. It already came out, flopped badly and should be in a bad video shop near you! :lol:
I'm going to get it out and watch it, accompanied by a fair few drinks, and with a few of us talking back to the telly, it should be heaps of fun. I think I'll really enjoy it in the same way I do really bad horror movies, or some tragic movies from the 80s which are just so lame they are funny. :D
HeHeHe Nicole,
Its a bit like that eh?You gotta laff I guess.Although sometimes it worries me some when he gets out and about TERRORISING the poor local wildlife.
I think most of the wildlife don't attack him cause they are well totally stunned.If only the poor animals could talk eh?Bet they would come out with a few expletives.

In fact, he doesn't TERRORISE the local wildlife because apparently they are all setups, with either his pets/zoo animals or someone elses. I got this information from somebody who knows him and his family well.
I am monitoring her but not really feeling positive about her recovery. We shall see though, just dont want her to suffer.
Fingers crossed Moses. Did the Reptile Man say why your snake might be constipated and whether there is anything one should do to help avoid it (like putting a bit of Olive oil inside the prey item) in the future.

Steve Irwin - Crikey Mate he's alsorts of things to all sorts of people. What you can't deny is the fact that he has promoted Australia, it's wildlife and most of all reptiles. That can't be a bad thing.

I'd be happy to spend a few days with him out in the bush on a field trip - I bet you wouldn't get bored and you'd probably learn a bit too. 8)
Hey said that she may have received an infection form the bites which led to the constipation.
I had to forcefeed my carpet tonight, and she was great about it, as it was my first time, she did not bite me or even strike, she just tried to get away. On the third time I finally got it to go down, but she regurgatated it. she has had one pinkie in seven weeks, I am going to have to try again tomorrow, or she is just going to die.
Sorry to hear it moses.Hopefully she will get the taste for the pinkies and start eating real soon. All the best buddy I hope she pulls through for you.

What's u'r set-up like :?: Do u have right TEMP'S :?: U said see shed already do'es she have a hide box to retreat too :?: I had a simlaier problem. I was given a Diamond/Carpet an she was in bad shape :oops: after I did alot of reading about her and made set-up as close as possible;an gave her time to adjust :oops: only then did she eat :D The whole process took a month :? I was really worried :? but I think once she settle in an had constant environment,she felt secure an instinct's took over. I did keep temp's 89deg.DY/NT for two weeks she had a rasp. when see inhale/exhale plus I keeped humidity around 78% DY/NT 50% HOPE this might help :D GOOD LUCK :!:
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