So I've been slack with herping threads lately, have still been out and about lots so here are some highlights (simply too many animals to post them all!) from a trip late last year to the a little place in the middle of no where called the Simpson Desert...
Morethia ruficauda - a stunning little skink that would twitch it's tail while foraging to lure potential predators towards its disposable end so it could make an escape (as did a few skink species in this area).
Cyclorana platycephala, big fatty.
Tympanocryptis tetraporophora.
N. levis
R. endoterus, as usual a pain to photograph...
Young Varanus brevicauda
Ctenotus ariadnae, one of many ctenotus species encountered on the trip.
Varanus eremius another small dune dweller I was hoping to see
Egernia inornata, very boring one for me but I liked this photo
Aust tarantula
Pygopus nigriceps
Lucasium stenodactylum getting ready for a big night out
V. gilleni out sunning
Demansia psammophis
Morethia ruficauda - a stunning little skink that would twitch it's tail while foraging to lure potential predators towards its disposable end so it could make an escape (as did a few skink species in this area).
Cyclorana platycephala, big fatty.
Tympanocryptis tetraporophora.
N. levis
R. endoterus, as usual a pain to photograph...
Young Varanus brevicauda
Ctenotus ariadnae, one of many ctenotus species encountered on the trip.
Varanus eremius another small dune dweller I was hoping to see
Egernia inornata, very boring one for me but I liked this photo
Aust tarantula
Pygopus nigriceps
Lucasium stenodactylum getting ready for a big night out
V. gilleni out sunning
Demansia psammophis