snake hasnt pooed

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Not so new Member
Jun 13, 2009
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good morning all

how often should my snake poo
I have a md and she is a year old she was fed last friday and hasnt pooed yet
she is usually the best pooer in town
she looks like she is going to shed soon so does that make a difference what should I do to help or do I just wait
how long can they go without pooing
im a bit scared at some responses I get as sometimes people are a bit nasty on here to newcomers:oops:
Mine likes to hold off until after she sheds to defecate. Coz she's only concentrating on one thing and that's shedding. hope that helped!
mine tend to do it in thier shed, makes clean up easy.

yeah, easy when ur expecting it, really sucky when u whip it out and leave a streak of wet across the cage/carpet,....etc, prepared!!!
nah, my bredli first went 10 weeks without pooing once (ok, i was getting pretty worried by then but he was acting fine,..) when he was on pinky rats cos he absorbed the whole lot, the rest often hold onto a meal or 2 before shedding, i just stick with their normal feeding schedule regardless,...
thanks for that chris, you have helped me heaps and put my mind at rest
and I was so worried I would get horrible replies lol :lol:
well I was worried about the snake not pooing well omg my male md has pooed and im paying for it lol it was everywhere
so now to wait for the female - sooo looking forward to that lol just like kids they stink more as they get older lol
thanks everyone for the advice
My 2 year old carpets manage to produce droppings that my 6kg dog would be proud of. If they are getting ready to shed, it will probably come out shortly after, if not in the shedding process. My Bredl female looked like she was ready to burst, so I held her over the compost and ran my hands along her belly, sort of helping the process. She finally let loose and relieved herself on the compost pile. I'm hoping that will keep the rats out! Many people swear by a bit of outdoor exercise for the snake, too.
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