I agree.
It appears to have a thin, wedge-shaped snout. This and the series of dark dashes and the thin line along the length of the body are all indicative of a Burton’s legless lizard.
Did it move at all or remain in that spot? I ask this because it looks like the head has been badly damaged and it may well have been dead. The colour and patterning of this species is incredibly variable, but it is common for them to have a dark and a white streak or stripe along the side of the face and neck. This can be seen here, but instead of having a ‘straight’ border between them, here it is it is jagged, becoming wobbly. This indicates the lizard has sustained severe damage to this area. Perhaps someone clobbered it over the head believing it to be a snake – not that this justifies such an action.
I can provide you with information on how to distinguish between snakes and legless lizards if you are interested.