Not so new Member
Yes got out smarted my 6 feet carpet has desided
to take off on me I've left a cage open with the heat
on put a tub of rats there it's in a garage I've checked
every were possible just hope I find her she is bueatiful
and she dosent eat a poisen mouse on her travels keep
going out every half hour but still no joy
if there's anything I've missed pls give idears
I'm open to all sergestions Hope I find her soon he name
was Anna couse she was realy under waight when I got her
to take off on me I've left a cage open with the heat
on put a tub of rats there it's in a garage I've checked
every were possible just hope I find her she is bueatiful
and she dosent eat a poisen mouse on her travels keep
going out every half hour but still no joy
if there's anything I've missed pls give idears
I'm open to all sergestions Hope I find her soon he name
was Anna couse she was realy under waight when I got her