I've read about people doing this before on this forum - ave a flick through these two....
It wouldn't harm to bring up some of these conversations again actually.
Most people on the second thread I'd trust easily... And most had never tried it....
You will find that some snakes will eat eggs quiet happily, but I would not reccomend giving your snake whole eggs .
Why not? What is wrong with raw eggs? Please tell me you wouldn't boil them???
Here's an exert from the second thread I posted above:
(Posted by Magpie - a trusted herper)
Eggs are high in fat, but contain everything that a rat does in terms of vitamins / minerals. They ARE a complete animal. They have a higher caloric value than red meat (unable to get an exact caloric value for whole rats.) This means that not only would eggs supply all a pythons nutritional needs, they would actually promote faster growth than feeder rodents. However, they are severely lacking in fibre, meaning your snake won't poo after a feed of eggs.
Unfortunately I just found this one... Also wth trusted herpers... Now I am confused...
The final post from sssssnakeman is relevant:
"Finch, quail, budgie or ahg eggs would be fine, full of protien and vitimins.Not to often though.
.Im sure they come across eggs(mostly skink or dragon) in the wild.
I have a tiger i can feed chook eggs to but i dont because it stinks when she craps.
Best to stick with rodents."