Spotted poo

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Very Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2009
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Hey guys, what does a 7 month old spotted baby's poo meant to look like? i got a chalky white poo. not sure if it was her droppings or not. thanks!
sounds all good to me if ya just break it up with ya fingers and take a wiff too, see if you can smell ,to make sure that she has fully digested her micey meal me ;)
the chalky white is ureates and is normal there prob is some darker substance to wich is the digested meal
lol thats red favorite past time lol... but nah you should check
sounds all good to me if ya just break it up with ya fingers and take a wiff too, see if you can smell ,to make sure that she has fully digested her micey meal me ;)
yeah i took a whiff of it and it didnt smell like anything? or was that just me? =S lol
haha red i thought he would have caught you out when i said some thing ... but no lol... you bully
lol no. i used tissues and picked it out. was the first poo i ever seen so i was just checking if it was normal lol. didnt know itll come out all chalky like that
RATS I was hoping you used ya fingers .......lmao ;)

no your poo sounds all good and healthy ....
its urates, its like the snakes piss... i think.

normally poo comes out all brown and stuff.... thats the stuff you have to smell ;)
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