Spotted Python questions.

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Sep 19, 2017
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Hi guys,
I've got a couple of questions on how to best look after my blonde spotted python.
I've read conflicting information about what temperature her tank should be (during the day and at night).
Also I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to keep one end of the tank warm and one end cooler when the tank is only about half a meter.
Lastly, she hasn't shed in a few months, is that because it was winter or should I take her to the vet?
Thank you for all you help.
During the day I keep all my snakes at 32 degrees, whilist at night I allow it to drop a bit but don't let it go any lower than 15 degrees (my guys are in the garage and it has dropped much lower than that)

She may be in need of a good size upgrade? That tends to bring on a shed pretty quickly a meal that gives them a good stretch :)

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A tank that small, you probably only need a heat mat, or heat cord, to get the desired temp. What is your tank made of, glass or wood/melamine?
Thanks guys :)
Being in North Queensland even during winter she didn't get any colder than 21 degrees

It's a glass reptile one tank, with wooden kitty litter substrate stuff
OK then, a small heat mat under the tank should give you a warm end; with the right mat you should be able achieve 32 degrees. Such a small tank might mean it will be warmer than low 20's at the other end though.
Thank you so much for your help, I'll give it a try and see how she goes :)
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