Stimson's Python - Never Hides?

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Chad Newman

New Member
Sep 2, 2024
Reaction score
I recently purchased a 2 year old Stimson's that was kept by a breeder for potential future breeding for its entire life, but he never ended up doing so and sold him on Morph Market. He was kept in a rack system his whole life until he came into my posession. I introducted him to a 3x2x2 enclosure with a custom built background that I made with ledges and such as well as some nice branches for climbing. He has two hides in the enclosure as well as some spots that provide good cover but are not fully hides. He's been in the enclosure now for a month, but all he wants to do during the day is bask. He typically displays cryptid basking habits, tucking his head or hiding it under a ledge, but he obviously prefers being out in the open. The enclosure has an Arcadia LumenIZE Shade Dweller UVB and an Arcadia LumenIZE Jungle Dawn LED for light and is headed by an RHE (40w). I keep the warm side at 88F during the day and let it drop at night to about 78F. Theres a lot of temperature gradiants within the enclosure, but he definitely likes the warm side of things. Some of the surfaces report about 95F with an infrared themometer and others in the mid 80's. Humidity varies between 45-75 degrees depending on the time of day. Substrate is a mix of coco fiber, sand, cypress mulch (Forest Floor), and Zilla Jungle Mix.

This being my first Anteresia python, I've been a bit concerned that he seems to have zero desire to actually hide his hides. Before I moved him to this current enclosure I had him in a smaller one (36x18x18 inches) and he would alterate between the basking spot I built atop a standard plastic hide, and inside the hide itself. But now he doesn't seem to want to hide at all. He does explore quite a bit at night, and when I have the lights on 5% output he gets active in the simulated moonlight and will check out every corner of the enclosure, but he always tends to end back up on his shelf he's taken a liking to.

Should I be concerned? Or is snake just being snake and doing what he wants?


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Hi Chad, I wouldn't worry about it, some like to hide and some don't.
We have 8 Antaresia, (Spots,Stimmies,Childrens and pygmy banded pythons ) some are hardly ever seen and some are out pretty much all day despite being nocturnal.
If he likes to roam it's good for you as you get to see him all the time and you don't have to worry if he's okay.
Fair enough, and thanks very much for the reply. Everything I've read led me to believe this species was definately more inclined to be a little shy and reclusive, but I guess as with everything else, each snake is its own individual. I'll count my blessings that he feels safe enough to not have to feel like he needs to spend his life hidden away. I'll credit the previous owner for proper socialization maybe, even if he was kept in a rack. He's already shown some choice based interaction tendencies and has willingly come out of his enclosure on his own when I was there and opened the doors.

Thanks again!

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