Storage Tubs

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2008
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Hi all,
Today i got my first pair of 8 month old bhp's from snake ranch, what i won in the great woma giveaway. But as i grabbed the snakes out of the bags i was wondering how big are these monsters. I have them in starmaid 10L tubs for the night but is that ok for aboout another 6 or so months. Wat other type of tubs can i get wat are a bit bigger but not that high (more ground space)? Does anyone know wat type snake ranch use?
And wat type of tubs do you guys use?
:shock: lol
Thanx Jordy
just stepped up to the stairmaid 20L tubs get them at big w and the 30 and 52 have the same base size so thats a bonus.:D black headed pythons can get big i am looking to get at least 1800x600x450 bank made up to house the big buggars
Can you post some photos of the bhps in the enclosure so we can judge weather you need bigger or not?
my 6 month old BHP is about 3 foot long and is in a 30L sistema tub. he is quite happy in this for now. and he is quite robust too the little sucker!
but they are quite big snakes for such a young age. mine is the same size as my yearling coastal. SCARY.
so maybe just put them in 30L tubs for now and see how they go. if they stop feeding and get a little stressed then maybe it is too big. but mine went from a teenie weenie lunch box to a 30L no troubles.
Hope that helps... :-D
i will have to find the camera as we just moved they are now in starmaid 30L tubs.
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