Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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Apr 23, 2012
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Hey! Knew that title would get you!
3 months ago I took on a python in need of a caring owner with time and money to make it as comfortable as possible. The previous owner was an old neighbour that knew I loved reptiles and. Ontacted me in fit of rage saying "the snake tried to eat my other snake and I'm going to kill it, if you want it come and get. I did what I thought was right and picked up the underfed/unhealthy very timid snake.

3 months down the track I've managed to get her/him back on track.
she/he is feeding and drinking well, put on weight and has calmed down a substantial amount. At first she striked constantly and was always on edge, now she is a part of the family and is handled wih out a fuss at all. My main concern with this situation is that she "doesn't exist" - when I adopted this animal I was given no paper work. Is there any way for me to register her? I would like it to be legit as I have my QLD recreational wildlife permit and would like to abide by the law. What is my best bet with this situation? Do I have to part ways if I can't register? I'm very confused and have grown fond of this snake watching it come so so far! - Would kill me to lose her and even more if it's just a matter of paper work.

Please help me! Any advice or help would be appreciated.

When I got my first snake two weeks ago from a friend who could no longer care for her, I was under the impression (wrongly as it turned out) that there was going to be no paperwork. So I rang National Parks and honestly explained the situation. That situation, in my case, was that the snake had been in captivity since hatching and likely couldn't fend for herself. He said I'd simply have to register her along with a Statutory Declaration putting in writing what I'd just told him.

I pointed out that I didn't want to get the friend in trouble - he was trying to do me a favour in giving the snake to me rather than someone else - and he said that, while giving them his name would be preferable, it likely wouldn't affect the outcome by withholding it.

I don't know how the QLD licence system works (as I'm from NSW), but you could perhaps register it as a 'gift', and bypass any paper work it should have had?
Get in touch with DERM and have a chat with them - they are reasonable, just explain the situation and ask their advice as to your next step :)
I don't know how the QLD licence system works (as I'm from NSW), but you could perhaps register it as a 'gift', and bypass any paper work it should have had?

Even as a 'donation' you still have to write license numbers, movement advice numbers etc :(
I have a friend from Noosa in the same predicament too. He bought a snake from a guy somewhere on the mid north coast of NSW. They decided to meet half way at Ballina... They met at Maccas, chris was there waiting when the guy turned up with a tub in one of those stripey bags. In the restaurant, the guy just opened the bag and opened the tub so chris could look at the snake. Prefect coastal :D The money changed hands, chris asked for the paperwork.... the guy just said, hang on, I'll get it from the car...... that was the last chris saw of him :rolleyes:
So chris has a beautiful coastal, great to handle, perfect health...... and no paperwork :shock::evil:

I said to him just to ring derm and explain.... he is too scared they might take it off him...... I know the $200 isnt what he is worried about, its having an 'unregistered' snake :( and of course, he loves his snake.... would be like taking a child if he had to give it up. There must be some way of rectifying both these situations?

I will be telling him to keep an eye on this thread ceebz, it might be easier to convince him if you have a good outcome. Keep us posted mate ;)

I actually rang derm the other week asking if it is possible to get a permit to harvest least endangered pythons from the wild (they keep turning up in my rattery) and they said flat NO. Interestingly tho, the lady I spoke with, said to me "You can decide whether you keep it or not.... but we cant give you a permit to harvest it" I said to her "what about if I did keep it and a ranger came around? Would I lose my license and therefore my other snakes?" She said "That would be up to the ranger"

From my conversation with her, I believe the derm is more interested in catching people 'stealing' wildlife (mainly birds) and selling them on for profit.... than one person aquiring a snake (not for selling on) and taking care of it. The fact that your snake and chris's are obviously 'home made' I dont think (hope) it wont be a big drama :)
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Thanks for the advice! I was a bit reluctant to post here, but much to my amazement you've all been a lot of help.
I will ring DERM tomorrow and see what my options are. Fingers, arms legs and toes crossed that it goes in my favour!

Here is a picture of him, I wish I had a before photo - I'm still undecided on the sex and exactly how old. I was told 2 years. He/She is just under the 2M range.

Edit: Can't upload photo from iPhone but will upload Somewhere
matey i have the same thing currently going with 2 bluetongues that were rescued, DERM have been awesome so far, and have been in contact with me etc, i just had to supply who i got them off etc and now its under review with them, all i have done is kept all my paperwork as in emails etc, the address where i got the lizards and a name that was given to me for a person that was believed to be an owner, so yes contact DERM and do it the right way and away you go.
Hey all, dispite a lot of phone calls I've yet to get through to someone that can actually help me! I've called DERM (currently on hold whole they try once again to track down a person that can give me concrete advise)a lot and have failed to get anywhere, I've been sent in the direction of somany rangers but nothing positive has come from it. If anyone can give me a contact number that would be awesome.

Also how do I post pictures on an iPhone? Would like to show you all why I'm goin

Just got a number for a Brisbane office but its just an answerphone service...ive left messages and havn't been contacted for almost 4 weeks! Why is it so hard to contact someone with answers!?

Any news?
Just FINNALY got I talk to an actual person. They are sending me some forms to determine where it came from, it's past etc. but they ladie I talked to seemed very uncertain about what would come from the situation...I explained my situation and told her it will not survive without human assistance.

Only time will tell!
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If anyone is still interested in this topic. - I've just had an interview with the rangers and I've been given a verbal warning but I've also been told that I can keep him and they will send paper work for it. They were easy and smooth to deal with once the ball actualy got rolling.

Very happy that I get to keep him/her :)
that's good! that must be such a relief for you, especially when you were doing the right thing in the first place :)
Thanks for letting us know ;)

Chris is still too nervous to contact them.... his coastal is like a kid to him and he reckons he would curl up and die if they took it off him :rolleyes: Funny how us humans get so attached to or snakes :lol:

Like he said, its a good warning to put out there..... get the paperwork in order before handing over the cash..... when the guy 'went to the car to get his book' he shot thru with the cash and left chris with the paperwork free python :rolleyes:
Woohoo! Success!
Good on you for persevering.
If anyone is still interested in this topic. - I've just had an interview with the rangers and I've been given a verbal warning but I've also been told that I can keep him and they will send paper work for it. They were easy and smooth to deal with once the ball actualy got rolling.

Very happy that I get to keep him/her :)

Whhat??? A verbal warning??? For what!
There seems to be a fair bit of this going round.
I went and picked up our new girl about a week ago, a fairly small for her age Darwin. She's lovely, and really placid.
Stupid of me I know, but he said he couldn't find his license/book, and would call me with the details, and I agreed, since he only had the one, I figured that seemed legit:|
Haven't heard hide nor hair of him, and he's not answering his phone, and I've only got the one contact number for him. I figured I'd let it go a week or so, just in case there was a legitimate reason for him not getting in contact with me, but I'm not sure what to do. I will call DSE on Monday and explain it, but I really don't want to get rid of her.
I reckon she used to be on license, but he's just let it lapse, what's the deal there? can you legally transfer reptiles from an expired license to a valid one?
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