I recently had the same issue with a young maccie, it would shed every few weeks and they were the most horrible sheds I had seen, the skin got so tight that it was pulling his 'top lip' up towards his eyes which could barely be seen through the skin. I assumed it was a retained eye scale but each shed showed the scale had come off cleanly and close inspection of the eyes revealed a nice, smooth clear eye everytime. There were no mites, no RI, no nothin. This continued for about 2 months and in this time he shed 9 times. The shortest period between sheds was a mere 6 days! But then it cleaned up magically and it returned to shedding every 6 to 7 weeks. A mac of the same age and housed in the EXACT same conditions was absolutely fine in this period.
My vet could not pinpoint the cause and could not explain the situation. I was misting when he came up to a shed but it would often come off in bits and pieces, never a complete shed. The snake ate perfectly during this time and seemed healthy in everyother respect.
So at the end of all this I really haven't been any help but can only say that it did not seem to be caused by environmental issues and its 'cure' remained a mystery as nothing changed from a husbandry aspect. Temps, humidity, space, food items, everything was the same as the snake next door, but the shedding cycle was out of control.
Sorry for not helping, but just maybe this issue will clear up mysteriously like mine.