Stunted growth in turtles

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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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I was wondering if turtles can get stunted growth? I got my turtles from a person who kept 2 in a 9g tank and fed them dog food only. They are now about 3 years old and the biggest one is 9cm.

Im pretty sure 9cm is to small for a 3year old turtle? Will stunted growth affect it at all?

How big should turtles be whe there 3yrs old?

Thanks, Daniel

it depends on what sort of turtle. But from my understanding most australian species grow to about 30 cm in about 2 years. Correct me if I'm wrong
it depends on what sort of turtle. But from my understanding most australian species grow to about 30 cm in about 2 years. Correct me if I'm wrong
My murray river short neck is about 25-30cm and its roughly 2 years old. My aunt had this growth stunt issue as well. We bought 6 murray river short necks and she had 2 while i had 4. They were all the same age and in about 6 months, my turtles were about twice as big as hers. I noticed she kept hers in a pretty small tank whereas i kept mine in a large pond. Also, i varied the diet of my turtles alot and i noticed my aunt just fed them bloodworms. I guess the growth of the turtle depends on the diet and the size of the enclosure. Hope that helped:D
9 cm is very small for the age but 30 cm in 2 years is big in so short a time but and yes there is a but.
In good times with abundant food turtles will grow quickly. I am allowing license in that your roughly two years is probably a bit more.
Maybe you should try and get your aunts turtles from her Gavin.
Good Question Adsell, i was about to maybe ask that question lol.So What type of turtles are we reffering to?Oh and morgan, the Flat Shelled turtle grows to apprx. 20cm when it is an adult.
Sorry, should of mention that it is a short neck. I feed them duckweed, woodies, crickets and some water snails.

Is it stunted growth of just small turtles?
Sorry, should of mention that it is a short neck. I feed them duckweed, woodies, crickets and some water snails.

Is it stunted growth of just small turtles?
what type of shortneck are they?:eek:
Sorry, should of mention that it is a short neck. I feed them duckweed, woodies, crickets and some water snails.

Is it stunted growth of just small turtles?

what type of short neck? there are many types

give them some blood worm or turtles dinners, not much about once a month this will put some fat on them
In the shop they where called murray short neck turtles. I used to fed them turtle dinners but i stopped because i heard its bad for them.
where did you get it.
I got two from different breeders.
kept them the same. fed them the same and they are the same age but one is about half the size of the other.
I suppose it could have been the breeder
I got them from a friend that was keeping them in a 1ft tank for about 2 years and only feeding them turtle dinners.
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