I'm from a halfheartedly religious family and went to a religious private school, but despite having read the bible (I don't think that book deserves a capital letter) before I turned 10, spending a few hours a week at church and learning more religion than science at school I never really believed any of it. Anyway, I have a very complicated opinion about religion but I'll stick to the question =)
I'm a fan of The Big Bang Theory (especially Penny) and I think it's well-supported by a myriad of evidence. Cosmic Background Radiation is energy that was a direct result of the bang and is still observable today. The universe is currently expanding, which we can tell by our understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum (red light has a higher wavelength, galaxies moving away, I wouldn't explain it well). The energy of the big bang was so great as to separate matter into only the smallest five elements (Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron) which coalesced to form stars and (through fusion?) formed the heavier elements. Gatherings of these collided and slowly formed planets etc. My understanding is pretty simple but to me it's a much more elegant explanation than 'In the beginning (6000 years ago) there was nothing so God (oh yeah, sorry, I'm not explaining that right) there was nothing but there was this dude and his name was God and then there was light because he said so and then he made Earth and everything on it but not the dinosaurs because we didn't know about them yet but then we found them so he did make them but he put them all underground and they all died and he made two people and a talking snake told them to eat an apple and got kicked them out and then they had lots of naughty time and then when there were lots of people and animals God killed them all except a few of each and they all started again without any problem of inbreeding depression because genetics isn't real but then science proved it indisputably so it is real but God created it too but evolution still isn't real.'
That was fun =D