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Active Member
Sep 13, 2008
Reaction score
central coast NSW
Ok i know i have been slack and i have just realised i still don't have a thermostat :(

I have been keeping 3 pygmy bearded dragons for 20 months without a thermostat for my heat bulb. Is this bad or is it alright and soon i am going to be selling them and be getting gecko's so would i need a thermostat for a 60 by 45 by 45 cage that will be using a heat mat?

cheers Scott
Hi mate,
It depends on your temp,if its getting way above your desired ambiant temp.
Then you need a stat,i recomend using a stat.
What happens on a hot day and your not home ? temps will sky rocket.
I'd recomend a habbistat dimming from the herp shop, for your heat globes.
Good luck
Thermo's are a waste for bd's imo. Test out a watt and then it should be good.. Personally I need a 150watt in winter to keep 41c and in summer I only need a 50watt.
I havent used a thermostat for over 2.5 years, just bought my first one on wednesday, but thats for an incubator :)
MMMmmm there is no equation in the world that will beat a thermostat. i reckomend a heat lamp for geckos... with a thermastat.
yer i have heard of alotof ppl that don't use thermostats for bd's and i am definately going to be using heat cord or heat mat for the geckos cause a lamp will still spread the heat a little bit over to the moist side. How can u hook a thermostats up to a heat matt???

cheers Scott
depends on the thermostat. i used prewired ones which have an exturnal sensor. you just plug the power cord of the heat mat into the female power socket attached to the thermostat. i dont use a thermostat with my pygmies, but they are heated only at one end and i monitor the temps with two different thermometers. i do use thermostats with my geckos and snakes tho.
cheers for that rengade i was talking to some ppl today about their geckos and many ppl dnt use thermostats just thermometers.So i will not bother buying one

cheers Scott
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