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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2009
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Ok I need people who have had a tic problem with their snakes and have successfully got rid of them...

One of my bredli's (my older male) got tics (not mites) and I think it's because his enclosure was near a low window (and on the floor) I now moved the enclosure but I need to get rid of them asap.

I have got rid of the majority with tweezers, they don't seem to need to be pulled out, they fall off as soon as the tweezer touches them.

I am well aware that if all else fails, a trip to the vet is my best bet... but if any of you have been through this please let me know how to combat this pest!

As long as u get them out and they have there heads still on you should be ok!bit of metho on some toilet paper is good too ! smother them so they wriggle out then u know there heads are still on!
i have the same problem but it is on my bluey in his ear so how can i get rid of that
sorry about the spelling, I had other things on my mind lol.

Well I am trying something that... if it works... will help anyone else who comes across this problem...

I placed the bredli in a tub just big enough for him to coil inside, put him inside and filled the tub with luke warm water... then put a bit of Listerine in the tub (i know he wont like the smell, but the Listerine should kill off the ticks)

Hopefully I will be able to get rid those few remnants


He's doing good, he's sitting nicely in the warm water and has most of his body submerged, he doesn't seem to mind the Listerine ether.
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A few tics I didn't see before came out and were dead... good signs. I hope this might help people that have the same problem
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