To microchip or not

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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Hi all, i am just wondering if it is worth it to get my herps micro-chipped? Also the pros and cons (if any) of having it done.
dont really think its worth it. dont think if your snake escapes that someone will take it and have it scaned like they do with a cat or dog. if their high end snakes and your wanting them chipped against theft, the chip could be removed as easy as it was implanted by someone thats willing to go to the trouble of stealing your snakes
You can microchip them, you can also microchip birds (yeah I know), but it’s just mostly known in dogs and cats. I think a snake is less likely to get picked up than a dog or cat because of people’s misunderstanding of them, plus a lot of people may actually chose to keep one instead of handing it in if they recognised it as a pet because they are sought after. People do tend to steal rarer and pedigree animals. Having said that if it is something you are interested in it would be best to contact a vet to discuss it.
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