My bearded dragon has fairly long, sharp nails, making it more difficult to hold and let her climb on you. Just wondering if any one has trimmed their lizards nails before? And how they did it?
Well i know this is for blue tongues but i guess it's same principles, click caresheet then toenail clipping. Hope this helps =P.
Hi,apparently what i seen on totally wild this morning,the reptile keeper said that its inportant 2 clip the nails on lizards in captivity as they dont wear down like they do in the wild.just use dog nail clippers.
The bloodline grows with the nail, if the lizards nails have grown very long due to a soft substrate, then you will probably hit the bloodline. Try to design your enclosure with rocks / tiles ect to wear down the lizards nails naturally (and less painfully), If they have grown really long and you need to trim them back beyond the bloodline, just do one nail per day.