Turtles and Fish

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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I'm thinking about getting a turtle and need some info on them.Like the temps for the water and basking lights and UV lights.Also would it be possible for a turle or 2 to live with a 15cm Oscar?
Thankyou for any information
It would be an Eastern Long Neck turtle.The Oscar is a generally good to the other fish in the tank.
hmm as the turtle gets bigger he might try adn take a bite outta ya oscar.
my 3 turtles range in different sizes and they live with rosy barbs , guppies and rainbow fish.
the rosy barbs get eaten every now and then, and the rainbow fish are way to fast to ever get eaten so the turtles dont bother them now. as long as the fish a of a decent size and are fast moving you shouldnt have a problem, however i would nevr put expensive fish with ya turts, expensive fish mean a expensive turtle meal. :D:D:D
It should be fine aslong as the tutles is big enough that the oscar cant rip its head off, i havnt ever kept oscars so i wouldnt know if that would be likely. The turtle would be capable of killing a fish around its own size but it wont happen if you keep the fish happy and healthy.
Generally most turtles except maybe C.Expansa will not catch a healthy fish unless there is a contributing factor such as the fish being stressed or injured.
i would be worries bout the oscar stealing the turtles food
i miss my c. expnasa:( but they never seemed to bother the fish
give them 17 degree water 25 degree basking spot and uv during daylight hours.

why so cool? i generally have my water atleast 20 and a basking spot around 35-40(more like 60 for the ones in my pond)
the oscars could get aggresive to each other as the turtle might stress them out cause it's happened with my cousins oscars

also when i had my oscars there water was 27 degrees
Oh yeah I forgot the most important question, how big is the tank? and how big will the turtle be?
i kept my expansa at around 25-27c
thats how I believe its good for them in canberra. Pretty much how the average summer conditions here are. I guess its just a matter of where you are and trying to replicate their natural environment.
also depends on sp, you wouldnt want to keep an emydura australis at 17c
yea, i totally forgot he said eastern long neck lol
I had an oscar twice the size of my turtle and the turtle smashed him. I came in the next day to see half an oscar hangin out his mouth
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