urgent beardie medical help needed?

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Not so new Member
Jan 18, 2008
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jervis bay
I have two bearded dragons which are almost 2years old i'm pretty sure.
Anyway while i wasnt home the other day my mum said she saw them fighting and broke it up, i was not aware of this untill the larger of the two lizards started acting strange, and because its leg was covered in sand i didnt notice the 'broken' looking back leg, my boyfriend reckons it looks 'runover' we tried washing the dry sand off but only a little came off and from what we can see it looks as though the leg has been absolutely mauled the sand appears to have dried blood and the beardie does not use the leg at all.
what should we do?
do u have any photos? make sure they arnt put back together and what state are u in ill look up a reptile vet for u now because u will most likely have to take it there asap

does it have any movement in the leg? and is it clean now? because u wouldnt want an infection aswel

hope its all ok
I have no experience with beardies, but I would 1st keep them seperate. Then if you are concerned about the leg take him to a vet with reptile experience.
Clean the wound up with a little bit of warm salty water on some cotton wool, this way you can get a better look at how bad the wound is and help prevent infection.
However its propbably best if you head off to the vet then, just to be sure all is ok....
Remember to keep the animal in a warm dark container for the trip to the vet to minimise stress.
only problem is the only reptile vet ive heard of is in sydney,
but i will give the reptile farm a call and see what to do.
bearded haven did u look at that link i just gave u theres a list of areas states etc with there vets...
I'm not 100% sure but i think the vet at Nowra (lady??) also does reptiles.
Even amputation?
Amputations are easier in a dragon than a dog/cat I'd say. The only problem with taking your herps to a normal vet for an amputation or any surgery is that lizards have very different requirements under anaesthetic.. They can't be maintained on gas like mammals.
Even amputation?

Bearded Dragons like other small animals can easily die from septicaemia (blood poisoning), which can be caused from bad open wounds...Taking your dragon to any vet is better than waiting weeks for a reptile specialist. If they don't want to touch it they should be at least able to point you in the right direction.


I agree. It is imperative that you get him to a vet, whether or not he is a specialist or not, he can recommend something.
They can get an infection so quickly, & then it will become systemic & will kill them pretty fast if it is not taken care of.
Are you keeping it cleaned with diluted betadine & putting antibiotic ointment on it daily?
I hope that you did separate him too from the other one.
Be sure to keep him on paper towels & not a particle substrate so it will not get dirt & debris in it.

heres hoping u decided to house them seperately from now on,....
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