urgent help needed

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Not so new Member
Sep 22, 2008
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Hi everyone i just checked on my juvinile bredli and i think shes prolapsed. what should i do about it and where could i take her to get it fixed. is it serious and im in west melbourne so any one know any good herp vets around my area??

thanks Andrew
thanks mate where about is he? and do u know what i should do in the meantime?

I know on cattle with prolapses they actually rub sugar into it ..which does help to contract it back in ..but I wouldnt know if it would work on the snake ...all the best buddy with that one ...
Just googled these guys. don't know if they do reptiles but they are 24 hours so would probably be able to give you some over the ph advice as to what to do until you can get to the vet.

The Veterinary Clinic and Hospital
250 Princes Highway
Victoria 3030
Telephone: +61 3 9731 2000
Facsimile: +61 3 9731 2377
you should keep it either on damp paper towle which is dampened with sugar water, or jsut put it in a container with some sugar water untill the vet can fix it up.
well there ya go sugar does seem to be the trick ....can anyone tell us why sugar works?
well there ya go sugar does seem to be the trick ....can anyone tell us why sugar works?

the sugar water not to go into much detail, basically cause water to be drawn fromt eh cells, therefore reducing the size of the prolapse and allwoing it passage back into the body.
osmosis apparently ...absorbs excess water from prolapsed tissue, causing it to shrink.
thanks for your help every one. I rang some of the numbers that you all gave me but they dont open till 9.30 tomorrow will she be right till then? With the sugar water does it matter with the ratios of it? She has also manage to get a fair portion of it back in and theres only about 1cm left now.
the question is why is she prolapsing. even if she does get it all in it would be worth seeing your reptile vet. you could try soaking her in a few inches of warm sugar water, for a good 15mins, but yeah jsut make sure the the prolapse doesnt dry out before you see a vet, why dont these vets have after hrs numbers.
I rang the Veterinary clinic in altona north, and got another number to call for after hours. I rang that and got a voice recorded message again and only gives numbers if you have an emergency with large animals like cows or you cat or dog.
hows the prolapse going???

did your lil one make it.

i did a bit of research but nothing to clear on the subject.

the most common anwser i got was trying to pass a object that was too big.
which then in turn caused swelling
snakes will partly prolapse when deficating.
i would not have cared if it said lrg animals or any animals a prolapse is a emergency and should be looked at by a vet asap

hopefully everything was alright and your bredli is well but yeah next time an emergency is an emergency regardless of the size of the animal.

have a search on the net and ask around abit more for a good rep vet in melb with after hours service and stay with them and keep there details on the fridge. I have the local vets emergency number on my fridge from past emergency's.
Hi everyone, she went to the vet first thing this morning and got operated on this afternoon. Basically she had her rectum maneuverer back in and stitched in place. The stitches will come out in about a fortnight. The most likely cause of it was that she ate a meal that was a bit bigger than what she should of been eating and it could go in one end but not out the other! She should be fine and its an expensive mistake i wont be making again! Thanks for everyones help last night, it was very much appreciated.

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