Hi all, My female Beardy is currently laying in her lay box. Has been in their for about 1 hr after digging a deep hole. I havnt disturbed her except for a mintue ago to have a quick look to see if she is actually laying, and I saw one egg under her. Yippee
How long does it normally take to lay???
Ive kept the UV light on untill she finish's so that she doesnt go to sleep??
When I looked at her, she actually looked as if she was beginning to sleep, not moving around at all, is this normal,
And will she no matter what, when she's finished begin to bury them?? or may she fall asleep like that?? Especially if the UV goes off
Help is appreciated. Incubators all ready to go
How long does it normally take to lay???
Ive kept the UV light on untill she finish's so that she doesnt go to sleep??
When I looked at her, she actually looked as if she was beginning to sleep, not moving around at all, is this normal,
And will she no matter what, when she's finished begin to bury them?? or may she fall asleep like that?? Especially if the UV goes off
Help is appreciated. Incubators all ready to go