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AussiePythons Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2008
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South West Victoria
Hi all, My female Beardy is currently laying in her lay box. Has been in their for about 1 hr after digging a deep hole. I havnt disturbed her except for a mintue ago to have a quick look to see if she is actually laying, and I saw one egg under her. Yippee

How long does it normally take to lay???
Ive kept the UV light on untill she finish's so that she doesnt go to sleep??
When I looked at her, she actually looked as if she was beginning to sleep, not moving around at all, is this normal,

And will she no matter what, when she's finished begin to bury them?? or may she fall asleep like that?? Especially if the UV goes off

Help is appreciated. Incubators all ready to go

Can take usually about an hour give or take, and she may rest inbetween and afterwards.
leave the lights on so you can keep an eye on her.
If you watch her, she will wriggle as each egg is layed.
Id take her out when shes started to bury them, just so its easier for you to get them out
It may take sometime for all the eggs to be laid. Mine laid most of the eggs, then buried them, went to sleep woke up and laid 2 more on the sand.
Hope this Helps
maybe leave it off a little bit so you have a small enough gap to check on her
Thanks everyone for all your help. New to this, but there safely tucked away now in the incubator. I had left the lid off, and noticed her pushing the substrate down pretty hard with her head, so I took her out then. I was amazed at how compacted she had actually made the substrate mix!! Took me forever to carefully scrape it all away to get to the eggs.

Shes now had a warm bath (have heat on for the night), and probably looking forward to eating alot over the next few weeks in readiness for the next lot, hopefully

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