l've heard that Bredli Carpet Python's that still live out in the wild in Central Australia, are far more better looking than those that are breed in captivity and denied access to UVA and UVB.
You should allowe your pet Python access to UV in captivity just as those out in the wild have access to UV.
lf you provide your Bredli a hidebox to hide in during the day, that is no different to the Bredli's or any other Python out in the wild who are hiding in hollow trees or rocky outcrops, that still have the choice to come out on sunrise or sunset or during the day to gain some UV.
Do you know that UVA is what stimilates your pet Reptile's, to want to feed-breed-behave more natually, where UVB is very important for calcium and vitamine D and E, which helps to make their muscles and bones much more stronger, so if you don't allowe your captive Reptile's to access UVA and UVB, how can they enjoy a healthylife like the ones out in the wild do.
Think how you would feel if you were locked inside 24hrs a day all year around, and could not go outside to enjoy the sunlight your bones and muscles would be so weak, so don't denie access to UVA and UVB to your captive Reptile's, just you you can save a few dollars in not having to buy a batton holder and UV Tubes.