vermiculite, sphagnum moss, anything else?

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Not so new Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
summer hill
my coastal has been mating and i am setting up a mating box for her, i have a large enough hide with lid vermiculite, sphagnum nmoss. is there anything thing else that i can use to ine the bottom of the nest box with other than artifical turf (was told tht was the best thing to line the nest) or is it not necessary???
also if there is anything else anyone can think of that would be helpful during thhis breeding season. as this is my first thime breeding and was not a planned one either, lol
i usually just leave the enclosure as normal until she is gravid, once gravid ill supply a nesting box with suitable laying conditions.
basically my nesting box consists of a timber box (350x350x150), on the bottem i put artificial turf (which i have found on its own is suficient) but on that i will place a small layer of damp spagnum moss (pre sterilised/baked) make sure the box is sitting around about 31-32 and it should be fine.... with all this i still find sometimes they prefer to just drop on the lid or sometimes under some paper.
best of luck with them.
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