Vertical Enclosure Refurb

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Ok well since I do not want to promote 'illegal' activities, If you live near the beach or a lake, wait for a big storm. Next morning ( beach works best ) just go and collect the drift wood that floats in from sea. Usually out of quite alot of searching, you will find a few really nice pieces.

( If the above mentioned is illegal can a mod just delete it... )

That's actually a great idea, i live right by the beach and come to think of it there's always a ton of flotsom and jetsom that washes up.
It would look awesome... might make some inquiries tomorrow and see just what i'd be looking at in terms of cost. Another big drawback for me is that i don't have a ute, and don't know anyone who does, so transporting the thing is a total pain (had to rent a ute to get it down from Newcastle in the first place).

A joinery could quote you based on measurements and they have utes for deliveries... There are answers to your problems. You could also ask for help on here and see if another member lives nearby who has a ute or trailer, you never know if you don't ask.
Cool beans, will have a bit of a poke around and see what i'm looking at. The way i see it, is that if it's not too much extra cost it would be great, but if not, it's not too big of a deal; i do like it the way it is now.

Seems a little silly when on the other hand i'm also considering an awfully expensive background, doesn't it ;)
Well that's just my nonsensical side coming out i suppose.

So far this thread has been really useful in giving me new ideas for the sort of direction i might go in, will update as things progress.
- Get some of those really lovely polished chrome enclosure handles from Virides

We only have Factory Seconds available for purchase at this stage. Also we had an effective doubling in production costs of these handles and had to put them on hold pending a new manufacturer. We have since found a better price (still in Australia and still local) but we have yet to put in an order as we are accruing funds to do so (they are expensive to make).
ever thought about having a mirror as back ground? lets light in and looks stunning....well 2 me anyway. I have recently converted a display cabinet....super simple and very effective. We added branches from our own back yard but as others have said theres plenty of ways to get them. I hung a log from the top with small chains as a basking area, my coastal loves it! :) theres pics of mine in my profile if u want a sticky.
Hmmmmm, don't know about other peeps reptiles but i tried putting a mirror on the back of my big girls enclosure and had to remove it 3 days later, silly girl was attacking herself in the mirror and got a sore spot on her snout as a reward, they get pretty protective of their homes....................................Ron
Yeah ive heard that that can happen however mine and my girlfriends coastals arent bothered at all. I found if anything he likes to gaze at himself alot lol i think he thinks he has a friend! at 1st he followed his reflection a little but thats it.

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