very bitey spotted python

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Active Member
Jul 19, 2008
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port stephens
i only got my firs snake a spotted python that is about 5 months old but is very bitey every time i pick her up she will be fine for about 2 mins than starts biting heaps is this normal for a yonger snake????
any help would be great
just make sure you aren't doing anything to stress her out, like moving too quickly or too close to her face. just sit there and let her explore rather than you being the one to determine where shes going to be. also, how are you holding her? They generally do not like to be 'held' as in gripped, rather, just support her body and let her crawl around freely.

make sure you've first eliminated any habitat-related factors, like cage temp ration and orientation of hides, how big is her enclosure and hides? a small snake will much perfer a smaller cage and likes to feel secure in their hides, so nothing too big. also, are you handling after shes been fed? and how warm is her body when you take her out? does she cool down or heat up once out of her cage, sometimes juvies can get defencive when they get too cold ad they know they are sluggish and and easy target for predators.

all things to think about, any more information you can supply on her would help.

oh and how recently did you get her? they like a few weeks to settle into their new home too, otherwise there are just too many new stimuli for them to deal with which results in a stressed our snake!
My advice, don't handle it more than necessary for basic husbandry tasks etc..
Give the little python a good few months like that - and see what happens.
Although this is usually a particularly unpopular option - its effective.

like cage temp ration and orientation of hides...

Maybe ive been living under a rock - Orientation of hides.. are you serious.. like feng shui...?
thanks for the help i only have a small enclosure as the guy i bought it of told me to do, when hold her i just hold out my hand and she wraps around it. also had it for about 2-3 months. i only handle her 1-3 times a week depending on wether i enjoyed it last time when she bites me the whole time dosent rly say "come pick me up again tomorro' am i handling her to much/to little or is she just got a bit of a temper

dont rly want here to be bitting me when she 1m+ :(
thanks any help would be great
:lol: Poor little darlin'. At 5 months I can imagine she is still only tiny. All baby snakes are born wild animals and it takes the rest of your life to work with an animal to help it settle down. Some will always be more bitey than others but learn to respect them. They don't know what respect is so you have to revolve around them. Learn what it is that is causing her to strike - are you moving too quickly or too close to her - even if you lift your hand to scratch your nose she feels threatened by the huge hand that looks like is coming towards her. Or touching her suddenly will make her jump. I take a wide berth around mine and slow. If they tense their neck back I slowly bring my hand up underneath and stroke them towards the head. 9 times outa 10 they move forward and out of that threatened pose. I let them see that I am going touch them and I test-touch lightly before I dive in with the heavy hand.

Maybe use a hook to get her out of her tub - they don't seem to be as frightened of the hook compared to the giant, scary hand coming at them. Handle for short periods only but if she is lunging too much put her back and try again later. We don't want her stressed to the point she goes off her food or tries to do a runner every time you open her tub.
my male was the same, i left him for a month then used a hook to get him out, he is 18 months old now and seems to enjoy being out and raps himself around my arm when hes not trying to go up my arm, most time he just relaxes with me, i thought the same didnt want him to bite when hes older, but keep in mind they are wild animals, dont hurt them and they wont hurt you, the only time i have been taged in the last 8 months is when i cut some chicken up for dinner and didnt wash my hands to well, and thats my own fault, enjoy your new snake,, they are great
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