just make sure you aren't doing anything to stress her out, like moving too quickly or too close to her face. just sit there and let her explore rather than you being the one to determine where shes going to be. also, how are you holding her? They generally do not like to be 'held' as in gripped, rather, just support her body and let her crawl around freely.
make sure you've first eliminated any habitat-related factors, like cage temp ration and orientation of hides, how big is her enclosure and hides? a small snake will much perfer a smaller cage and likes to feel secure in their hides, so nothing too big. also, are you handling after shes been fed? and how warm is her body when you take her out? does she cool down or heat up once out of her cage, sometimes juvies can get defencive when they get too cold ad they know they are sluggish and and easy target for predators.
all things to think about, any more information you can supply on her would help.
oh and how recently did you get her? they like a few weeks to settle into their new home too, otherwise there are just too many new stimuli for them to deal with which results in a stressed our snake!