Water dragon help!!!

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Not so new Member
May 14, 2008
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Hey guys.
I have a rescuee water dragon, that wont eat. Was force fed at the vets a couple of times over four days, but now at my place I can not get him to feed. He's an adult and very big and powerful and is an absolute psycho, so Im trying to keep handling at the minimum :)
Have tried cat food, super worms, banana, strawberries. He doesnt want a bar of it...
Neither has he defacated nor used his massive water bowl.
Can anyone please help?
P.S Hasn't eaten since the vets. Four days ago..
I wouldnt panic, just give it plenty of privacy and a basking area of 40C or more. It should eat just about anything, although some food such as rodents and live food seem more attractive. Water dragons seem to really like grapes too.

What is wrong with it?
Also make sure you have a branch or something overhanging the water bowl for it to sit on.
I once had a wild EWD that cats chewed on, and same problem with the feeding. But i found if you go down to a creek and catch someof those little guppy fish and put them in a container with just enough water to keep them wet, but not swimming, that seems to stimulate a good feeding response. Its not a great nutritional food, but better than nothing...
I once had a wild EWD that cats chewed on, and same problem with the feeding. But i found if you go down to a creek and catch someof those little guppy fish and put them in a container with just enough water to keep them wet, but not swimming, that seems to stimulate a good feeding response. Its not a great nutritional food, but better than nothing...

Fish is actually really good for them, not sure why you think it doesnt have much nutritional value.
Thanks guys. Will get some guppies or something from the pet shop.
Me and Harold (psycho water dragon) thank you :)
all the bottles of stuff that u put in fish tanks say not be be used for fish that will be eaten, so dont buy fish from the pet shop, the chemicals might not be good for ur dragon/.
Ok, well. I just thought that vegetables n stuff had more nutritional value than the little fish, at least thats what my Mother used to say to me :D
also keep interaction to a minimum and even keep the enclosure covered so it cant see out to reduce stress.... if he isnt using the waterbowl i would be misting daily to help with hydration.... also offer live insects as opposed to meat and veg (crickets, woodies etc)
Good luck with feeding him, How come he was rescued? I'd try the feeder fish.
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