Well-Known Member
Hey guys, been a while since I been posting! So a friend of mine contacted me and asked me to help with his water python! It seems another major fail heating problem! The snake was burn to a crisp! It has in the past 7weeks gotten much better. Eaten twice and fully shed twice! How ever it's tail tip is non moving, cracked and no scales. Bleeds puss etc. I am attaching photos. I have gotten a vet to look and they suggested docking it!!!! It is below the bum only about 4cms! Its the only part not getting better and vet says it's tail is dead so just making it more sick!! Problem is she isn't a great reptile vet! Closest one to us is a few 4hours away and my friend is reluctant to go that far for a second opinion! so anyone on her had a burn snake survive? What was treatment ?