Weird behaviour, help >.<

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Active Member
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria
For the past 3 days my Diamond has been acting reallllllyreally strangely.

Nothing in her snakehome has changed environment wise... temps are still exactly the same I monitor them every day, water bowl changed every day same as always. Even the substrates still exactly the same.
She fed three days ago when I first noticed she was acting strange (I thought she may have been hungry) and she shed not too long ago, so it can't be either of those.

She's constantly trying to escape her enclosure. She never has before. The moment I open it she shoots out and tries to escape (but she still doesn't like being handled so she ends up in this conundrum).
If she's NOT shooting out the moment I open it she's constantly wrapping herself into corners and trying desperately to get the lid open.
I held her just to make sure that she was looking healthy and normal and she looks fine but she's moving really slowly and skittishly.
She's also been sleeping in the cool end even though she never ever has.

What could it be? I'm so worried about her and the earliest I could get in at the Vet was Wednesday but I don't want to WAIT until Wednesday! Help! Has anyone heard of a complete behaviour turn around like this before?
Can you give us some details about your enclosure? Size, size and age of snake, temps-hot and cold end, hides, climbs.

But on the face of it she definatley doesn't sound sick!
perhaps she is just stressed perhaps her enclosure is in a high traffic area and that is making her feel very unsettled.
But her enclosure has never moved! >.< Nothing has changed at all in the last however many days that should be causing her to act like this. Her snakehome is in my room and the only person who comes and goes is me (and she's always much as you can call a snake "happy", she's always been happy to see me).

Enclosure is 60cm X 50cm X 50cm, she is 10 monthsish (I think?) and 82cm long. Shes got 3 layers of climbs and a hide both in her hot end and cool end. Hot end is 30degrees and cool end is usually around 23-24degrees.
She's fine. Snakes do this, your husbandry sounds fine also.

Snakes will explore, that is all she's doing when you see her trying to get out of her enclosure. When she tries running away from you it's just because she thinks you are going to eat her and she is a little stressed. Try handling her a little less, (IMO snkes should be treated as look but don't touch pets) that should lower her stress levels.
I don't handle her really :/ that's the thing. She doesn't really like it (unless I'm wearing a hoodie cause she likes to curl up and sleep in the hood) so I try not to, but it's just been since she's been acting funny cause she tries to leave the moment I open her tank and she never has before so I have to either try to grab her or scoot her back in because she's still too small to be given free reign of my house.
I don't know if maybe I'm just being a worrywort but she's just started going funny out of nowhere and acting nothing like her normal self.
Wouldnt worry too much, if anything i might think that it could be heat related. Maybe the days have been a little hotter there lately and she wants to cool down? Without being there i cant say exactly.
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