were are these lovly bearded dragons ?

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Not so new Member
Jun 23, 2008
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i was wondering if anyone knew were i can purchase a bearded dragon in sydney and if you can house two beaded dragons together or is this a bad idea?
please help thanx
hey yeah you can house beardies together you just have to watch size dominence between them. larger ones can get aggressive toward a smaller one but if they are about the same size they are fine. i know of some one in newcaslte who has some his name on hear is BLUNDEL.
I should have some available in a few weeks, i house more than one together, but you need to keep an eye on them and make sure one doesn't become dominant over the other, Also, feed them separate, out of the tank so they don't mistake the others toes/legs/tail for food.
I also will have some ready to go in a few weeks, I live near Hornsby. As it is breeding season there should be alot around real soon.
rocky i live really close to hornsby that would be great if you could update me if you have any beaded dragons soon
and also can you house two males together? or will they fight?
Its pretty hard to sex them as hatchies so you most likely wont know what you have until they are juvies anyway.
ooh ok fair enough .. thanx for your help again and also is it hard to look after babies? and is there anywere i can purchase older ones? or is it a better idea to get them as babies??
If its your first, i would recommend trying to get one that's a bit older, simply because they are alot more hardier and can take a few husbandry mistakes.
That said, if you do alot of research on keeping hatchies, enclosure setups, feeding requirements etc you should be fine with hatchies.

I have a 'keeping bearded dragons' info sheet i can email to you if your interested, just PM me your email addy
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