what do you put in your nest boxes?

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Pythons Rule

Very Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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Central QLD
Hi there I set up my nest box last night in a large plastic container with a hole in the top, put vermiculite on the bottom ( dry ) and put stag moss (moist) on top of it. if this set up properly or am I surposed to make the vermiculite moist too?

how does every one else do it?

and do you female like it straight away or does it take abit for them to like it?

well my whole is not in the top but on the side

i use just straight sphagnum moss comes already moist, i just wait till day 20 post pre lay shed set it up and away they go, i usually dont need to re moisten the moss and i have started putting a piece of fake grass type stuff under the moss to stop the eggs sticking to the plastic.

They will take abit to get used to it and expect a mess lol some of mine enjoy throwing it from 1 end of the enclosure to the other lol but when it comes to lay day they always have enough in there to be comfortable

hope that helps
she had a prelay 2 days ago, so thats why I am asking now if I set the box up ok or not.

but thanx for your reply Snakecharma
she had a prelay 2 days ago, so thats why I am asking now if I set the box up ok or not.

but thanx for your reply Snakecharma

I give mine the lay box as soon as i see ovulation so they can get used to it. The last thing you want is the snake to be stressed when it should be laying, you could end up with eggs dropped and stuck to the floor of your enclosure, which would suck.
I had one for her but it wasn't suitable, and hard to get to so I switched it with something better and much more comfy for her and bigger so she wasn't cramped wile laying.

I understand what you meen though and thanx for your concerns
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