What foods contain calcium that will be good for my baby bluey ?

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Mar 18, 2011
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My baby blue tongue has calcium deficiency so I have her under a UVB light (untill this rain passes) and on calcium and D3 supplements.. What food can I add to her diet that will up her levels abit more ?

And for the poeple who have been following my questions, she is getting much better, her throat is completely back to normal, her twitching and jolting has settled, her behaviour has gone back to normal, shes eating and drinking to perfection, theres no more heavy breathing.. Couldnt be happier, now ive just gotto focus on this and not 5 other things too !! :)
its all about the phosphorus-calcium levels as well. i feed my beardy squash as this has a high calcium/phosphorus ratio. i also feed mine dandelions from spring through to mid autumn but i dont know if bluey go for that. it goes without saying that powdering the veggies lightly with calcium powder isnt a bad idea if he/she already has a deficiency
Silkworms are great with absorbing calcium, but look at Alias' link.
Bluetongues will eat Dandelion flowers and leaves, especially if the leaves are smeared or with a hint of dog food or similar. Snails (and slugs if you have a rubber glove for picking them up) are also an excellent source of calcium and they love em. Drizzling rain and lawn bordering gardens, or night time and wet lawns is easiest to collect them. Also old upturned pots (eyes open for spiders though) and any other hard surfaces partially covered with long grass. If concerned about baiting, feed the snails on the green outer leaves of lettuce that supermarkets throw away, for 3 or 4 days. If they don’t die, they are fine.

You probably know this but just in case…Your bluey should be at or near preferred body temperature while under the UV for it to effective in producing the D3 pre-cursor in the skin. If using a Mercury Vapour or Metal Halide Lamp, that is not a worry because of their heat output. However, if using a fluorescent tube or compact you’ll need a basking lamp on the same spot at the same time.

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